Writing My Query — My Writing Processes
I’ve threatened a few times here and there that I’d write posts about my strange little processes that I’ve developed for this whole writing thing. If
I’ve threatened a few times here and there that I’d write posts about my strange little processes that I’ve developed for this whole writing thing. If
Today’s trope is a Hong Sisters’ staple. I think it’s one of the things that makes them so magical as writers and brings me back despite
Like everyone else, I have a great many feels about Love Triangles. Done well they’re aching, done poorly they’re cause to put a book or a
As some of you may know, I have a small (large) K-Drama addiction, but sometimes when talking to other K-Drama addicts I feel like I’m doing
Well, once again we have an instance of an author behaving badly floating around the internet, but no matter when you’re reading this you’ll find one.
Some people look at a blank page and see a story. I look at a blank page and see a never-ending sea of possibilities. This is
So this post is a descendent many times over of the post I made after my first PitMad a little over a year ago. In that
Here’s how NaNo works for me: Day 1: I make a respectable showing, but not the 1,667. I watch as what feels like everyone else posts large
Now, as you may know, I’m working very hard on becoming one of the people on the other side of these events. Which means becoming one
Like everyone else, I didn’t really know what to expect when I saw the announcement for NerdCon:Stories. I just knew it was for me. Partially because,